
After the earthquake, I tried to get to my office, following my company`s "Disaster Action Manual." I had heard on the radio that trains had stopped running so I decided to go on a motorcycle. This was really the right thing to do. National Highway Route 2 was jammed. At around Tarumi, cars had come to a complete half.
The reasson for the jam was a bridge that had risen up about 50 cm creating a difference in road level. With a motorbike, I could simply lift it and carry on.
During my rido to the office, I saw telephone poles fallen down, buildings collapsed, asphalt paving ripped up, and many other obstacles to traffic. Don`t use your car.
(Male,aged 35,Nishi Ward)

Fire Deperment Advice
Soon after the earthquake, many people tried to go places using their cars. Because of this, trffic congestion resulted and became lage obstacles to the emergency passage of fire engines and ambulances and to the transport of relief supplies.
In order that we may bring abut rapid relief and rescue work, please refrain from using your car when there is an earthquake. Use motorcyles or bicycles or go on food.
Also ,if you have to move about after an earthquake, please be careful of aftershocks and tsunami(tidal waves).