Ichihara City




第7回/2017  YOSAKOI舞ちはら  飛翠迅   市原ハワイアンフラ協会  JET SPHENE DANCE PERFORMANCE

2017/千葉みなと会場  YOSAKOI舞ちはら  前夜祭余興・YOSAKOI舞ちはら

第6回/2016   YOSAKOI舞ちはら     飛翠迅      櫻゛     JET SPHENE DANCE PERFORMANC

第4回/2014   市原ハワイアンフラ協会     フラダンス ハーラウ ラウラーナニ いわき2014     飛翠迅 2014

第2回/2012   YOSAKOI舞ちはら     飛翠迅(ひすいじん)     飛翠迅  (原宿スーパーよさこい2012)

第2回/2012 ダンス      girl group     D・M・Kダンスグループ     ホワイトハット

第1回/2010 市原ハワイアンフラ協会

The cultural properties of Ichihara City

Sudden illness consultation guidance    22-0101
The center of the insurance・The center of the sudden illness   23-1187 21-5771
Chiba Prefecture hospital reference

English Advisory Service for Foreign Workers     043-221-2304
If you problems your place of employment regarding wages, working hours, health and safety,or workmen`s compensation,
please contack the English Advisory Service for Foreign Workers during the times listed below:
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-5:00pm
Chiba Labour Bureau Inspection Division
Chida No.2 Goudou Chousha 4-11-1 Chuo-ku Chiba City

Let` dispose of Garbage properly
Bulky Items(Collected as house to house collection)
Plese call Fukumasu Clean Center    0436-36-1191,1192